Prominent Tips to remember while choosing an E-commerce Warehouse

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Apr 19, 2021
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April 5, 2024

Are you forgetting something important in the hassle and excitement of setting up an e-commerce store? We just wish you are not forgetting the most important aspect i.e. Warehousing, which is the heart of any e-commerce company and can make a huge difference to your bottom line. A good warehouse and inventory management system can let you save a huge sum of money while meeting your customer demands at the same time. Well, we all know that a good warehouse has infinite benefits to your e-commerce business, but the question is ‘How can we select a good e-commerce store’. Well, we are here with the ultimate solution.

An e-commerce warehouse is a lot more than a place for just storing your goods. It is a place that keeps your goods safe and secured, helping you track their movement.”

Factors every e-commerce merchant must keep in mind while selecting a Warehouse!

1. Location proximity


There is no benefit of having a warehouse that is distant from your consumers as it will take huge travel costs and time, which will eventually dissatisfy your customers. But on the other end choosing a warehouse close to your customers can reduce your travel costs and time. This way you can make your customers happy. Your first step before selecting a warehouse must be determining your consumer base by pinpointing the regions you are thinking to serve.

Quick Tip: In the process of choosing a warehouse, you must ensure that it has substantial prerequisites for your goods

2. Number of SKUs

Warehouses not only store goods but also serve us with functions like tracking inventory items, estimating adequate storage, and calculating storage charges. Well, these functions are completed by Stock Keeping Units. This is the ultimate solution for companies who deal in a diverse and variety of products as they are able to determine stock levels easily. They don’t have to pay much and are able to turn over their inventory quickly and efficiently. Large companies have plenty of SKUs in their warehouses and that is the main reason for their smooth operations. That’s why you must see the number of SKUs before selecting any warehouse.

Quick tip: If you have large SKUs and slow turnover rates, standalone warehousing will be a cost-effective solution for you.

3. Integration of Advanced technology


With the development of technology, warehouse operations are drastically evolving day by day. It provides a number of benefits such as faster production times, diminished risk of processing errors, better management of inventory, and many more. Well, this makes one thing clear that a warehouse must be integrated with the best and advanced technology to get smoother operations. Enhanced services driven by advanced technology such as pick by vision, drones electronic data interchange, etc. are a must in warehouses these days.

Quick tip: Softwares are less expensive and offer you a better rate of investment than automated solutions.

4. Availability of Workforce


The physical space of your warehouse is not just a location as it has many more factors inclined to it. One of the prominent factors is the availability of the workforce. Well, the workforce is not just people willing to work but people with proficient skills willing to work at the right price. It’s better to determine your workforce needs beforehand. You can do that by researching the demographics of the area by gathering knowledge on their education level and average incomes. Your work doesn’t end by hiring the right set of the workforce as you need to even understand them well as this will affect your turnover rates, employee retention, and productivity.

Want to know the complete process of order fulfilment? Read on

5. Flexibility and longevity

It is integral to think long-term and understand the potential of your warehouse. For that, you must analyze the growth of your company in the future. For instance, if you think there is room for expansion in the coming years then your warehouse must be flexible enough to adapt to the change and accommodate the growth.

6. Return Management

If you are running an e-commerce business you already know that returns are a vital part of this business. It’s very important to manage the returns successfully as it is normal for people to return items that do not meet up their expectations afterward. To execute return management efficiently, your warehouse must have all the functions to handle the return process efficiently once the goods arrive back at the warehouse. The warehouse must refurbish the returned stock properly for a quick turnaround in inwarding, resulting in less blocked inventory. Also, it saves time and cost.

Quick tip: Don’t know how to manage order returns? Leave everything to ANS Commerce as we assist businesses with an efficient return management system that too with JIT Flexibility as per business requirement for fresh and returns inward management. Request your free DEMO now!

How can we assist you?

If you are worried about how to manage your inventory, then we are here to assist. With end-to-end fulfillment and logistics- from the product in warding to delivery, ANS Commerce is specialized to cater to all your e-commerce needs. We manage the warehouse and supply chain across all channels, including multi-category storage support and return management with JIT flexibility. Request your free DEMO now!

What can you expect from ANS Commerce?

  1. Order processing: We handle the complete ‘pick-patch-dispatch’ process and the manifestation of your B2C orders, including B2B marketplace delivery with integrated logistics
  2. Return Management: We receive, re-label, and pack products with better QC standards; report cancellations, and returns
  3. Third-party coordination: We ensure timely delivery with an optimized cost for both domestic and international inventories. Also, we enable marketplace shipment with trusted partners – Delhivery, Bluedart, FedEx, India Post, etc.

Choosing a warehouse is not an easy task as it requires a lot of planning and researching. But we assure you that keeping in mind these factors you will be able to choose the best warehouse for your e-business that will make the best of its potential.