Amazon SEO: How to Rank For Searches On Amazon

Amazon has become the go-to E-commerce marketplace for businesses and consumers alike. More and more businesses have started using Amazon as their primary sales channel due to its vast customer base, strong reputation, and convenience in selling their products. This also means that it has become extremely important to optimize your product listings for Amazon search so that it appears above other sellers.

In this article, we will dive deep and understand how Amazon SEO works and the different ways to improve your product rankings on Amazon.

Understand How Amazon Search Works

Amazon’s search is quite similar to other search engines like Google in most aspects. For example, it enables users to search for products by entering keywords or phrases in the search bar that can be found at the top of the Amazon website and mobile app.

Amazon uses A10 algorithm to process search queries

Credit: Amazon

Whenever a user enters a search query on Amazon, its in-built search algorithm, called the A10 algorithm, will process the query instantly and return a list of all the relevant products matching the keywords. Users are also given the option to sort and filter the results based on various factors such as price, brand, ratings, and other category-specific factors.

Here is how the search result looks for “laptop query” on the Amazon website

Amazon search result for laptop

Credit: Amazon

What Is Amazon’s A10 Algorithm?

The A10 algorithm is the logical successor of the popular A10 algorithm of Amazon. Based on powerful and proprietary technology, the A10 algorithm gauges various factors of product listing, including product description, the images used, embedded keywords, product title, and many more to determine the rank for each product.

Now, Amazon A10’s primary goal is to help buyers shop. Hence, it will prefer high-performing ANIS over others. That is why your product must convert well for customer queries. We will talk more about how you can optimize for Amazon SEO later.  

Amazon’s A10 Algorithm Example

Here is an example of how Amazon’s A10 algorithm works –

A customer enters the query “Tennis Racquet” in the Amazon search bar. The A10 algorithm instantly processes the two keywords and begins to match them with all the indexed products in the catalog. It checks whether the keywords “tennis” and “racquet” are present in the product title and description. It then checks the sales history of the product, customer reviews, and performance of the brand over time.

Finally, it includes all the relevant products in the search results and also considers the customer’s browsing and purchase history to display relevant products.

How Amazon A10 algorithm works

Credit: Amazon

What factors influence Amazon A10’s search rankings?

Here are two major factors that influence product ranking on Amazon –

  1. Product: The A10 algorithm analyzes how relevant your product is to the user’s search query. To gauge the relevancy, it checks for the keywords in the title and description of the product.
  1. Performance: The A10 algorithm analyzes the performance of your product and the brand. Key performance parameters include pricing, sales history, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

In the next section, let us see in detail how to improve the above two factors.

Amazon SEO: How To Improve Product Rankings On Amazon?

Here are some tips to optimize the Product factor of Amazon A10 algorithm and improve its overall rankings –

1. Map the products to the correct node

Amazon uses nodes to categorize products based on their unique characteristics. Due to the presence of millions of products on Amazon, categorization becomes important because it simplifies browsing for customers. But, mapping the products to the right node is even more important for the sellers because it improves the findability of the products. Even though mapping products to the correct node might seem trivial, its importance in improving the rank of your product cannot be understated. Let us understand this with an example.

Example of how to map products to correct node on Amazon

Credit: Vega Atom on Amazon

The above product is categorized as Cars & Motorbikes > Motorbike Accessories & Parts > Helmets. Now, the category “Cars & Motorbikes” is the root node and is very generic. It also means the competition is extremely high in that category. Therefore, the chances of a new product ranking high in this category are almost nil. However, if you map it to the branch node “Motorbike Accessories & Parts” or the leaf node “Helmets”, you will have a better chance of ranking higher.


  • In case you’re not sure how to categorize your product, see how other sellers have categorized similar products.
  • Always use your knowledge of the product’s features to decide the categorization.
  • Do not over-categorize. If the product matches the branch node better than the lead node, place it in the branch node.
  • Keep testing your categorization. Eventually, you will reach the perfect categorization for your product.

2. Optimize your Amazon product title

The product title is the first thing that customers notice about your product. It is important for you to optimize the product title and make it A10-friendly without compromising readability. It should also cover all the key elements of the product, such as:

  • Product Name
  • Brand Name
  • Product Type
  • Size
  • Color
  • Key Features
  • Product USP

Here is an example of an excellent product title on Amazon

Optimize product title for Amazon SEO

Credit: Samsung on Amazon

You must also know which keywords to use for your product. Stuffing of the keyword is a big no. Since the title has only a fixed number of characters, you need to be frugal in your keyword usage.

Use keyword management tools to identify the most important keywords for your product. Also, keep an eye out for keywords used by other sellers selling the same product and make your own improvisations in the title.


  • Use three to four keywords in your title and place them at strategic points.
  • Place the most relevant keyword first.
  • Make use of special characters as breakpoints, and then add the next keyword.
  • Capitalize the first letter in each word except connecting words like “in”, “and”, “for”, “the”, and “an”.
  • Use numbers instead of words (e.g.: 8 instead of eight)
  • State the number of items included, size, and color feature in the title

3. Write Amazon product features in bullet points

Amazon has been quite liberal on the product description front. It has given a considerable amount of space to write about your product and its features. But many sellers use this freedom of space to write huge paragraphs about the product. Yes, you must provide all the details about the product, but you mustn’t overwhelm the customers with too many unwanted details.

Also, using paragraphs will make it difficult for readers to consume the content. Many users like to skim through most of the features and read in detail only the ones that they really care about. We suggest using bullet points for writing product descriptions – this will make the content easy to read. Optimize your product description for your target keywords.

Here is an example of a good product description –

Example of how to write product description on Amazon

Credit: Amazon


  • Use a two-tiered bullet approach for writing product description.
  • Besides features, include the benefits of the product in the description. This will give the users a better context of how the product will fit into their daily lives.
  • Avoid using common adjectives like “best,” “high-quality,” “durable,” “efficient,” etc. in your product descriptions. Not only are these words overused, but they are also pretty meaningless.
  • Highlight the main feature or benefit of your product in the first bullet. You can follow it up with a more detailed explanation to make it comprehensible for the users.
  • Limit each bullet point to 500 characters.

4. Don’t forget to utilize backend search terms

We have highlighted before that it is not wise to overuse keywords in the title and description section. We also know that keywords have an important role to play in your product ranking. So what’s the best way to use keywords if we can’t utilize them fully on the product details page?

The answer is “Backend.” Yes, Amazon offers you a 250 characters space for every listing to include all your keywords. The best part is this content is not visible on the product page. You can list all the keywords that you missed in the product page. If you have many keywords, you can also upload them in .XML or .CSV files.


  • Include misspelled keywords here. This will cover you for all the misspelled search queries.
  • Don’t repeat the keywords that you have already listed on the product page. Irrespective of the importance of the keyword, Amazon expects you to list it in only 1 place.
  • For backend keywords, use spaces between the keywords to separate them. No need to use commas.
  • Don’t use competitor names or any ASINs as keywords here.

5. Use A+ Content

A+ Content is a part of Amazon’s product description that allows sellers to share their brand story or product features with the help of rich media such as images and videos. Some sellers also use it to offer comparative product information and product setup instructions.

Besides the chance to add keywords to the A+ content, you can use the A+ content to improve your SEO score by offering a lot of additional information. This enhances the UX of your product detail page drastically, leading to improved conversions and better sales.

Here is an example of A+ content.

Example of A+ content on Amazon

Credit: Dermafique Amazon Account


  • Always proofread your content before sending it for review to Amazon. It takes around 7 days to get your A+ content approved. In case of any mistakes, you have to wait another 7 days to get it live.
  • You can talk about your competitors in this section. This will help users compare your product and make an informed decision.
  • Never use any links that redirect users outside of Amazon. Amazon doesn’t allow this.

Performance Optimization Strategies for Amazon Listings

You must understand that Amazon is mainly a buying platform. Ultimately Amazon’s primary goals are sales and conversions. It values all those products with a higher propensity of getting sold and rewards them by ranking them higher. And as a seller, you must improve your sales numbers to show that you have a winning product. So here are some key Amazon SEO strategies that you can adopt to improve your sales, which, in turn, will have an impact on your product rankings –

1. Keep a competitive price

When determining the price for your product, it is crucial to take into account the prices of similar products offered by your competitors. Your goal should be to either match or beat the competition’s prices, and even consider lowering them more for higher sales.

If you price your product higher than your competitors, Amazon’s algorithm will automatically deduce that it won’t sell as many as others. It will push your listing to the bottom of the SERP. Interestingly, Amazon also uses pricing as one of the key factors to award Buy Box to the seller.

Want to know more about Amazon Buy Box? Check out our guide on – How to Win the Amazon Buy Box in 2023

2. Ensure that you have sufficient inventory

You need to ensure that you have sufficient inventory levels all the time. If you do not have enough stock, you will not be able to fulfill orders on time. You must remember that Amazon wants purchases to happen. The last thing it wants is a customer visiting a product page with no stock or limited stock resulting in no order placement. That’s why Amazon consistently ranks products with sufficient inventory higher over those with little or no inventory.

3. Gain positive reviews and ratings

As a customer, one will always prefer a product that’s liked by others. It gives them social proof that this product is reliable and is working fine. As a seller, you need to work on getting positive reviews for your brand and for your product. Positive reviews can drastically improve your visibility in search results. It can give an impression that your product is popular, leading to a higher chance of conversion.

4. Set up warehouses in all 4 locations (North, East, West & South)

When you have warehouses in all four corners of the country, your shipping speed drastically improves, as you can ship items from the warehouse closest to the customer. For inventory management at each location, we suggest looking at buying patterns & shipping data and storing more inventory where most of your customers are located. It will avoid stockouts, thereby improving product availability for your customers.

5. Use Amazon PPC to increase sales

Amazon Pay-Per-Click is an advertising program that allows you to bid on keywords and display your products in the sponsored search results section. This is a great way to boost your visibility, especially if you are unable to improve your search rankings. You can target very specific keywords, products, and customer segments to ensure that your products always reach the right audience.

6. Adopt Amazon’s DSP ads

Amazon’s DSP (Demand Side Platform) ad is another effective way to boost your sales. With these ads, you can reach customers through targeted and data-driven ads by leveraging Amazon’s rich repository of customer data. DSP ads drive shoppers to your product page from outside the Amazon platform. However, these ads can be managed only by Amazon and not by sellers.

Few more Amazon search engine optimization strategies to help rank

Here are some additional ranking factors that have an impact on rankings –

1. Bring additional traffic to your Amazon product page

Bringing additional traffic to your product page is all about directing customers from other sites to your product page or brand store on Amazon. This will generate more traffic and sales to your product, which will ultimately have a positive impact on your rankings. You can also drive traffic to your Amazon page through PPC ads, email marketing, and social media campaigns.

2. Ship through FBA

Fulfillment by Amazon lets you store your products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Also, Amazon will handle the shipping and customer service process for such products. Using Amazon fulfilled shipping not only ensures timely delivery but also increases your chances of ranking higher on SERP results and winning Amazon buy box.

3. Use brand names in your Amazon product listings

When you use brand names in your product listing, it can establish credibility in the minds of your potential customers. It can also help them in finding the product through Amazon search. Adding the brand name also differentiates your product from your competitors, making it more recognizable. A word of caution, you must use your brand accurately and legally. The last thing you want is to get into a legal issue.

Is there anything I shouldn’t do with Amazon SEO?

Here are some major no when it comes to Amazon SEO –

  • Do not copy content from other listings or websites. Plagiarism can result in penalties and affect your rank negatively.
  • Do not use irrelevant keywords in your listing. Make sure you select appropriate keywords for your product to rank.
  • Do not ignore Amazon’s guidelines for product listings. Doing this will result in penalties or the removal of your listing.
  • Do not use blurry or low-quality images. It can make your products appear less desirable, resulting in lower conversions and poorer rank.
  • Do not ignore the backend keywords, as this is the best way to add all the relevant keywords for your product listing.
  • Do not ignore reviews and ratings, as they are one of the key factors in determining your product listing’s rank.

Navigating third-party marketplaces like Amazon can be challenging for E-commerce businesses without the right knowledge and expertise. If you’re having trouble maximizing your sales and profits on Amazon, ANS Commerce can help.

Our team of experts will offer you comprehensive marketplace management services, including account setup, optimization, management, and ROI-driven performance marketing. With our support, you can establish a strong brand presence and increase your sales potential on the platform.

If you need further help in setting up and optimizing your Amazon marketplace, reach out to us by booking a demo.

FAQs About Ranking On Amazon

  1. How often does the Amazon search ranking get updated?

Amazon updates its search rankings on an hourly basis. But for a new listing to come up in the ranking, it can take anywhere between 24 to 48 hours.

  1. What are some of the best Amazon SEO tools you can use?

Some of the popular Amazon SEO tools include Amazon Pi, Helium 10, Ahrefs, SellerApp, and AMZOne.

  1. What is the Amazon SERP?

Amazon SERP(Search Engine Results Page) is the search results page that a user sees after submitting a search query on Amazon.

  1. What is Amazon’s Featured Offer? And how does it work?

Amazon’s Feature Offer is nothing but your Amazon buy box. It is a section on the product details page that enables customers to add the product directly to their cart with a single click. The Feature Offer works by assembling products from different sellers, identifying which of those among them are reliable and offer the best deals, and finally, recommending that seller and offer as the default purchase option in the product details page.

  1. Does Amazon A+ content affect SEO?

The short answer is Yes. A+ content does affect your SEO score. After all, it is an additional space for you to embed relevant keywords around the product. Also, the rich images help by offering more information to the customer. This can improve conversions, drive sales, and hence a better SEO score later on.


Amazon SEO: How to Rank For Searches On Amazon

Written by
Tanpreet Kaur
Published on
Aug 2, 2023
Written by
Tanpreet Kaur
Published on
April 29, 2024

Amazon has become the go-to E-commerce marketplace for businesses and consumers alike. More and more businesses have started using Amazon as their primary sales channel due to its vast customer base, strong reputation, and convenience in selling their products. This also means that it has become extremely important to optimize your product listings for Amazon search so that it appears above other sellers.

In this article, we will dive deep and understand how Amazon SEO works and the different ways to improve your product rankings on Amazon.

Understand How Amazon Search Works

Amazon’s search is quite similar to other search engines like Google in most aspects. For example, it enables users to search for products by entering keywords or phrases in the search bar that can be found at the top of the Amazon website and mobile app.

Amazon uses A10 algorithm to process search queries

Credit: Amazon

Whenever a user enters a search query on Amazon, its in-built search algorithm, called the A10 algorithm, will process the query instantly and return a list of all the relevant products matching the keywords. Users are also given the option to sort and filter the results based on various factors such as price, brand, ratings, and other category-specific factors.

Here is how the search result looks for “laptop query” on the Amazon website

Amazon search result for laptop

Credit: Amazon

What Is Amazon’s A10 Algorithm?

The A10 algorithm is the logical successor of the popular A10 algorithm of Amazon. Based on powerful and proprietary technology, the A10 algorithm gauges various factors of product listing, including product description, the images used, embedded keywords, product title, and many more to determine the rank for each product.

Now, Amazon A10’s primary goal is to help buyers shop. Hence, it will prefer high-performing ANIS over others. That is why your product must convert well for customer queries. We will talk more about how you can optimize for Amazon SEO later.  

Amazon’s A10 Algorithm Example

Here is an example of how Amazon’s A10 algorithm works –

A customer enters the query “Tennis Racquet” in the Amazon search bar. The A10 algorithm instantly processes the two keywords and begins to match them with all the indexed products in the catalog. It checks whether the keywords “tennis” and “racquet” are present in the product title and description. It then checks the sales history of the product, customer reviews, and performance of the brand over time.

Finally, it includes all the relevant products in the search results and also considers the customer’s browsing and purchase history to display relevant products.

How Amazon A10 algorithm works

Credit: Amazon

What factors influence Amazon A10’s search rankings?

Here are two major factors that influence product ranking on Amazon –

  1. Product: The A10 algorithm analyzes how relevant your product is to the user’s search query. To gauge the relevancy, it checks for the keywords in the title and description of the product.
  1. Performance: The A10 algorithm analyzes the performance of your product and the brand. Key performance parameters include pricing, sales history, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

In the next section, let us see in detail how to improve the above two factors.

Amazon SEO: How To Improve Product Rankings On Amazon?

Here are some tips to optimize the Product factor of Amazon A10 algorithm and improve its overall rankings –

1. Map the products to the correct node

Amazon uses nodes to categorize products based on their unique characteristics. Due to the presence of millions of products on Amazon, categorization becomes important because it simplifies browsing for customers. But, mapping the products to the right node is even more important for the sellers because it improves the findability of the products. Even though mapping products to the correct node might seem trivial, its importance in improving the rank of your product cannot be understated. Let us understand this with an example.

Example of how to map products to correct node on Amazon

Credit: Vega Atom on Amazon

The above product is categorized as Cars & Motorbikes > Motorbike Accessories & Parts > Helmets. Now, the category “Cars & Motorbikes” is the root node and is very generic. It also means the competition is extremely high in that category. Therefore, the chances of a new product ranking high in this category are almost nil. However, if you map it to the branch node “Motorbike Accessories & Parts” or the leaf node “Helmets”, you will have a better chance of ranking higher.


  • In case you’re not sure how to categorize your product, see how other sellers have categorized similar products.
  • Always use your knowledge of the product’s features to decide the categorization.
  • Do not over-categorize. If the product matches the branch node better than the lead node, place it in the branch node.
  • Keep testing your categorization. Eventually, you will reach the perfect categorization for your product.

2. Optimize your Amazon product title

The product title is the first thing that customers notice about your product. It is important for you to optimize the product title and make it A10-friendly without compromising readability. It should also cover all the key elements of the product, such as:

  • Product Name
  • Brand Name
  • Product Type
  • Size
  • Color
  • Key Features
  • Product USP

Here is an example of an excellent product title on Amazon

Optimize product title for Amazon SEO

Credit: Samsung on Amazon

You must also know which keywords to use for your product. Stuffing of the keyword is a big no. Since the title has only a fixed number of characters, you need to be frugal in your keyword usage.

Use keyword management tools to identify the most important keywords for your product. Also, keep an eye out for keywords used by other sellers selling the same product and make your own improvisations in the title.


  • Use three to four keywords in your title and place them at strategic points.
  • Place the most relevant keyword first.
  • Make use of special characters as breakpoints, and then add the next keyword.
  • Capitalize the first letter in each word except connecting words like “in”, “and”, “for”, “the”, and “an”.
  • Use numbers instead of words (e.g.: 8 instead of eight)
  • State the number of items included, size, and color feature in the title

3. Write Amazon product features in bullet points

Amazon has been quite liberal on the product description front. It has given a considerable amount of space to write about your product and its features. But many sellers use this freedom of space to write huge paragraphs about the product. Yes, you must provide all the details about the product, but you mustn’t overwhelm the customers with too many unwanted details.

Also, using paragraphs will make it difficult for readers to consume the content. Many users like to skim through most of the features and read in detail only the ones that they really care about. We suggest using bullet points for writing product descriptions – this will make the content easy to read. Optimize your product description for your target keywords.

Here is an example of a good product description –

Example of how to write product description on Amazon

Credit: Amazon


  • Use a two-tiered bullet approach for writing product description.
  • Besides features, include the benefits of the product in the description. This will give the users a better context of how the product will fit into their daily lives.
  • Avoid using common adjectives like “best,” “high-quality,” “durable,” “efficient,” etc. in your product descriptions. Not only are these words overused, but they are also pretty meaningless.
  • Highlight the main feature or benefit of your product in the first bullet. You can follow it up with a more detailed explanation to make it comprehensible for the users.
  • Limit each bullet point to 500 characters.

4. Don’t forget to utilize backend search terms

We have highlighted before that it is not wise to overuse keywords in the title and description section. We also know that keywords have an important role to play in your product ranking. So what’s the best way to use keywords if we can’t utilize them fully on the product details page?

The answer is “Backend.” Yes, Amazon offers you a 250 characters space for every listing to include all your keywords. The best part is this content is not visible on the product page. You can list all the keywords that you missed in the product page. If you have many keywords, you can also upload them in .XML or .CSV files.


  • Include misspelled keywords here. This will cover you for all the misspelled search queries.
  • Don’t repeat the keywords that you have already listed on the product page. Irrespective of the importance of the keyword, Amazon expects you to list it in only 1 place.
  • For backend keywords, use spaces between the keywords to separate them. No need to use commas.
  • Don’t use competitor names or any ASINs as keywords here.

5. Use A+ Content

A+ Content is a part of Amazon’s product description that allows sellers to share their brand story or product features with the help of rich media such as images and videos. Some sellers also use it to offer comparative product information and product setup instructions.

Besides the chance to add keywords to the A+ content, you can use the A+ content to improve your SEO score by offering a lot of additional information. This enhances the UX of your product detail page drastically, leading to improved conversions and better sales.

Here is an example of A+ content.

Example of A+ content on Amazon

Credit: Dermafique Amazon Account


  • Always proofread your content before sending it for review to Amazon. It takes around 7 days to get your A+ content approved. In case of any mistakes, you have to wait another 7 days to get it live.
  • You can talk about your competitors in this section. This will help users compare your product and make an informed decision.
  • Never use any links that redirect users outside of Amazon. Amazon doesn’t allow this.

Performance Optimization Strategies for Amazon Listings

You must understand that Amazon is mainly a buying platform. Ultimately Amazon’s primary goals are sales and conversions. It values all those products with a higher propensity of getting sold and rewards them by ranking them higher. And as a seller, you must improve your sales numbers to show that you have a winning product. So here are some key Amazon SEO strategies that you can adopt to improve your sales, which, in turn, will have an impact on your product rankings –

1. Keep a competitive price

When determining the price for your product, it is crucial to take into account the prices of similar products offered by your competitors. Your goal should be to either match or beat the competition’s prices, and even consider lowering them more for higher sales.

If you price your product higher than your competitors, Amazon’s algorithm will automatically deduce that it won’t sell as many as others. It will push your listing to the bottom of the SERP. Interestingly, Amazon also uses pricing as one of the key factors to award Buy Box to the seller.

Want to know more about Amazon Buy Box? Check out our guide on – How to Win the Amazon Buy Box in 2023

2. Ensure that you have sufficient inventory

You need to ensure that you have sufficient inventory levels all the time. If you do not have enough stock, you will not be able to fulfill orders on time. You must remember that Amazon wants purchases to happen. The last thing it wants is a customer visiting a product page with no stock or limited stock resulting in no order placement. That’s why Amazon consistently ranks products with sufficient inventory higher over those with little or no inventory.

3. Gain positive reviews and ratings

As a customer, one will always prefer a product that’s liked by others. It gives them social proof that this product is reliable and is working fine. As a seller, you need to work on getting positive reviews for your brand and for your product. Positive reviews can drastically improve your visibility in search results. It can give an impression that your product is popular, leading to a higher chance of conversion.

4. Set up warehouses in all 4 locations (North, East, West & South)

When you have warehouses in all four corners of the country, your shipping speed drastically improves, as you can ship items from the warehouse closest to the customer. For inventory management at each location, we suggest looking at buying patterns & shipping data and storing more inventory where most of your customers are located. It will avoid stockouts, thereby improving product availability for your customers.

5. Use Amazon PPC to increase sales

Amazon Pay-Per-Click is an advertising program that allows you to bid on keywords and display your products in the sponsored search results section. This is a great way to boost your visibility, especially if you are unable to improve your search rankings. You can target very specific keywords, products, and customer segments to ensure that your products always reach the right audience.

6. Adopt Amazon’s DSP ads

Amazon’s DSP (Demand Side Platform) ad is another effective way to boost your sales. With these ads, you can reach customers through targeted and data-driven ads by leveraging Amazon’s rich repository of customer data. DSP ads drive shoppers to your product page from outside the Amazon platform. However, these ads can be managed only by Amazon and not by sellers.

Few more Amazon search engine optimization strategies to help rank

Here are some additional ranking factors that have an impact on rankings –

1. Bring additional traffic to your Amazon product page

Bringing additional traffic to your product page is all about directing customers from other sites to your product page or brand store on Amazon. This will generate more traffic and sales to your product, which will ultimately have a positive impact on your rankings. You can also drive traffic to your Amazon page through PPC ads, email marketing, and social media campaigns.

2. Ship through FBA

Fulfillment by Amazon lets you store your products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Also, Amazon will handle the shipping and customer service process for such products. Using Amazon fulfilled shipping not only ensures timely delivery but also increases your chances of ranking higher on SERP results and winning Amazon buy box.

3. Use brand names in your Amazon product listings

When you use brand names in your product listing, it can establish credibility in the minds of your potential customers. It can also help them in finding the product through Amazon search. Adding the brand name also differentiates your product from your competitors, making it more recognizable. A word of caution, you must use your brand accurately and legally. The last thing you want is to get into a legal issue.

Is there anything I shouldn’t do with Amazon SEO?

Here are some major no when it comes to Amazon SEO –

  • Do not copy content from other listings or websites. Plagiarism can result in penalties and affect your rank negatively.
  • Do not use irrelevant keywords in your listing. Make sure you select appropriate keywords for your product to rank.
  • Do not ignore Amazon’s guidelines for product listings. Doing this will result in penalties or the removal of your listing.
  • Do not use blurry or low-quality images. It can make your products appear less desirable, resulting in lower conversions and poorer rank.
  • Do not ignore the backend keywords, as this is the best way to add all the relevant keywords for your product listing.
  • Do not ignore reviews and ratings, as they are one of the key factors in determining your product listing’s rank.

Navigating third-party marketplaces like Amazon can be challenging for E-commerce businesses without the right knowledge and expertise. If you’re having trouble maximizing your sales and profits on Amazon, ANS Commerce can help.

Our team of experts will offer you comprehensive marketplace management services, including account setup, optimization, management, and ROI-driven performance marketing. With our support, you can establish a strong brand presence and increase your sales potential on the platform.

If you need further help in setting up and optimizing your Amazon marketplace, reach out to us by booking a demo.

FAQs About Ranking On Amazon

  1. How often does the Amazon search ranking get updated?

Amazon updates its search rankings on an hourly basis. But for a new listing to come up in the ranking, it can take anywhere between 24 to 48 hours.

  1. What are some of the best Amazon SEO tools you can use?

Some of the popular Amazon SEO tools include Amazon Pi, Helium 10, Ahrefs, SellerApp, and AMZOne.

  1. What is the Amazon SERP?

Amazon SERP(Search Engine Results Page) is the search results page that a user sees after submitting a search query on Amazon.

  1. What is Amazon’s Featured Offer? And how does it work?

Amazon’s Feature Offer is nothing but your Amazon buy box. It is a section on the product details page that enables customers to add the product directly to their cart with a single click. The Feature Offer works by assembling products from different sellers, identifying which of those among them are reliable and offer the best deals, and finally, recommending that seller and offer as the default purchase option in the product details page.

  1. Does Amazon A+ content affect SEO?

The short answer is Yes. A+ content does affect your SEO score. After all, it is an additional space for you to embed relevant keywords around the product. Also, the rich images help by offering more information to the customer. This can improve conversions, drive sales, and hence a better SEO score later on.
