8 Best E-commerce Advertising Campaigns To Get You Inspired (Examples + Best Practices)

Let’s face it – the attention span of customers is getting shorter while the list of choices they have are getting longer. Standing out in the crowd in the E-commerce space has become nothing less than an art form today. Thankfully, there is a key to this enigma. And it revolves around curating compelling and engaging e-commerce advertising campaigns that capture the imagination of your target audience and drive them toward making a purchase.

Whether you’re a seasoned E-commerce player or just starting out, seeking inspiration from successful campaigns can spark your creativity and give you the much-needed edge to propel your business forward. Keeping that in mind, we’ve curated a list of the best E-commerce advertising campaigns with insights and best practices. Read along!

What Is E-commerce Advertising?

E-commerce Advertising falls under the umbrella of E-commerce marketing. If E-commerce marketing is all about driving awareness about your online store, E-commerce Advertising is the method used to promote it. Businesses create best E-commerce ads on different channels like Facebook, Instagram, Bing and Google to drive website traffic, and ultimately increase sales. Display ads, search ads, banner ads, and rich media ads are the most common types of E-commerce Ads created.

Things You Need To Know Before Running E-commerce Ads

Before you dive headfirst into running your E-commerce Ads, there are two crucial things you need to know to maximize your chances of success. Here are they:

1. Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is the foundation of any successful E-commerce campaigns. Without a clear idea of who your customers are, their needs, preferences, and behaviours, your E-commerce Ads may fall flat and fail to generate the desired results.

  1. Start by conducting thorough market research to identify your target market’s demographics, psychographics, and purchasing habits. Learn about their age, gender, location, interests, and lifestyle preferences. Utilize tools like surveys, interviews, and online analytics platforms to gather valuable insights. Platforms like SurveyMonkey, Lantana, and Remesh.
  1. Next, create Buyer Personas that represent your ideal customers. Again, these personas should constitute demographic information, motivations, pain points, and shopping behaviours.
  1. Finally, utilize tools like Google Analytics and Facebook insights to identify trends and understand traffic sources to optimize your Ad targeting based on real-time data.

This will help you craft compelling Ads that speak directly to your customers.

2. Ensure Your Website Is Optimized

Advertising for e-commerce can help drive traffic to your E-commerce website, you must also ensure that your website is optimized to convert that traffic into sales. When your E-commerce store is not optimized, it will constantly experience high bounce rates and low conversion rates leading to wasted advertising budgets. Here are some ways to optimize your website:

  1. Ensure that your website is responsive and it automatically adapts to different devices and screen sizes.
  2. Increase your website’s speed by compressing images and leveraging caching techniques.
  3. Ensure that your website has straightforward navigation, logical categorization, and clear product descriptions.
  4. Optimize individual product pages so that they have high-quality images, compelling product descriptions, clear pricing, and prominent Call-To-Action.

E-commerce Advertising Best Practices To Follow

Running successful E-commerce ad campaigns demands a strategic approach and adherence to certain best practices that have proven to yield results. Here are some of the best practices we urge you to follow while crafting ads for your business:

1. Focus On Showing Rather Than Telling

Despite the prevalent use of text-only ads in other domains, visual content takes the upper hand for E-commerce advertising. Why? Because visual content grabs instant attention, engages viewers, and allows them to envision the benefits of the products themselves.

The whole idea is to not re-state your value proposition or the features of your products directly. Instead, use visuals that tell a story and evoke emotions. For example, you can include a video where your customers speak about the benefits of your product and how it has changed their life.

2. Optimize For Mobile

There are high chances that most of your potential customers are accessing your store via mobile devices. Even studies prove this. According to Statista, M-commerce accounts for nearly 65.7 of all E-commerce sales worldwide. Even if a customer walks into your store, they are going to use their smartphones to compare prices, read customer reviews, or even locate other stores in the vicinity.

This means your E-commerce Ads should be optimized for mobile phones. They must engage customers irrespective of their location and the devices they use.  So make sure your E-commerce Ads’ visuals, landing pages, and checkout processes are responsive and provide a seamless experience across various screen sizes.

3. Use Multiple Image Carousel Posts

It often becomes difficult to show the whole catalogue in one ad creative or convey all the product’s benefits in a single image. In such cases, you can opt for carousel ads on Facebook and Instagram. With carousel ads, you can showcase various products or highlight multiple features in each card that your viewers can scroll through.

4. Do Post-Click Optimization

Many E-commerce advertisers make the mistake of focusing their optimization efforts at the ad level. They do not pay much attention to the post-click experience, which includes the landing page users are directed to once they click the ad. This results in a personalization gap and will most likely lead to a bounce.

So always ensure that the landing page aligns with the ad creative, has a clear Call-To-Action (CTA), and provides relevant information. Also, don’t forget to optimize the page for fast load times, easy navigation, and a seamless checkout process. A smooth post-click experience can significantly impact conversion rates and overall campaign success.

5. Perform Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of continuously testing and optimizing various elements of your E-commerce Ads to improve the conversion rate. You can perform CRO through data collection, analysis, hypothesis, and A/B or multivariate testing.

Experiment with different ad copies, visuals, headlines, CTAs, and placements. Find out what resonates best with your target audience and implement them. This data-driven approach can automatically lead to higher conversion rates and increased ROI on ad spend.

6. Use UGC Content For Ads

User-generated content (UGC) typically includes customer reviews, testimonials, and social media posts referencing your brand. When you include this in your E-commerce Ads, it adds authenticity to your campaigns. The idea is to showcase the experiences of the users and share their positive feedback via ads.

7. Provide An Omnichannel Experience

Aim to provide frictionless customer experience at every touchpoint in their purchase journey. To achieve this, ensure all your brand channels are integrated and users can seamlessly transition between different channels.

For example, when customers click an Instagram ad, you can direct them to the specific product page where they can check if the item is available in the nearest physical store. You must also maintain consistent messaging and branding across all these channels to maximize the chances of conversion. You can also use WhatsApp messaging to retarget customers who have visited your website via ads and showed interest in your product.

8. Targeting & Retargeting On Social Platform

It’s possible to define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviours on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This precise targeting increases the likelihood of capturing the attention of potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your products.

Retargeting takes it a step further by allowing you to re-engage users who have already interacted with your brand. By tracking website visitors and their actions through Pixel tracking, you can retarget them with personalized ads. This strategy reminds them of their previous interest in your brand and encourages them to revisit your website and make a purchase.

Top E-commerce Ads Example

Here are some top e-commerce advertising examples of the best E-commerce Ads that successfully attracted customers with their creativity. From storytelling to engaging visuals, these ads uncover the power of strategic marketing in the E-commerce landscape.

1) Ditch The Guilt

Ditch the guilt ad

Ditch The Guilt, a healthy snack brand, has created a unique ad campaign featuring an eye-catching visual packshot of the product. Of course, good product photography plays an essential role in grabbing users’ attention as they browse online. But what sets this ad apart is the focus on the nutritional information within the image so that users can make informed decisions instantly.

What We Love About This Ad: Focus On The Product & It's Nutritional Value

By emphasizing nutritional values in the ad, the brand has showcased its transparency and commitment to promoting a healthier lifestyle among its users. The best part is that the users can quickly assess whether the product aligns with their dietary goals and make the purchase decision.

2) Mama Earth

Mamaearth Ad

Mama Earth, the eco-friendly cosmetic brand, is one of the best e-commerce advertising campaigns that has come up with an e-commerce ad campaign featuring customer testimonials coupled with an exciting discount offer.  Through this campaign, The brand was able to inspire confidence among users about its all-natural products

What We Love About This Ad: It Builds Trust Organically

Through its transparent messaging and reliable customer review, this ad builds trust among the users. It serves as social proof, validating the quality, reliability, and desirability of the product. When potential customers see positive feedback from real users, they are more likely to trust the brand and make a purchase. Such types of ads work great for beauty products, nutritional supplements, and food products.

3) Shoppers Stop

Shoppers Stop

Shoppers Stop, the renowned online marketplace for lifestyle goods, has come up with a well-thought-out advertising campaign. This ad uses the carousel format to display multiple product collections along with corresponding discounts.

What We Love About This Ad: It Uses FOMO to Capture Attention

This ad works due to 2 reasons. One, the carousel format, creates an opportunity for the brand to capture the interest of various segments of its customers and enable them to perform easy comparisons and evaluations of different offerings. Two, by adding a discount with an end date, the ad induces FOMO among the users and captures their attention immediately. This improves the chances of engagement and a potential sale.  

4) Nykaa

Nykaa Ad

In this E-commerce ad, Nykaa, the cosmetics retailer, has collaborated with Instagram influencers to endorse the brand.

What We Love About This Ad: Using an Influencer to Build Brand Credibility

This E-commerce Advertising campaign capitalizes on the influencer’s credibility, authenticity, and well-established connection with her followers to drive traffic to the brand’s website. By showcasing the influencer’s genuine affinity for the brand’s products, the ad instantly gains trust and authority in the eyes of the audience.

5) Carat Lane

Carat Lane Ad

In this ad campaign of Caratlane, the jewellery brand, the focus is on one of its core offerings “Try Before Buy”. Instead of promoting their products, the brand has highlighted its biggest competitive advantage to the users through an easy-to-understand video.

What We Love About This Ad: Focus On USP

By focusing on a unique advantage offered by the brand, the ad instills confidence among the users and encourages them to try its products The ad also emphasizes that CaratLane is a customer-focused brand that understands and addresses the needs of their customers.

6) Juicy Chemistry

Juicy chemistry ad

Juicy Chemistry, the organic skincare brand, has taken a unique approach in this ad campaign by highlighting one of their customers’ issues, “Hair Fall.” The ad copy provides in-depth information about the cause of hair fall and how their products help reverse it.

What We Love About This Ad: Focus On Pain Point

By focusing on the needs and concerns of the customers, this ad has taken an empathetic approach to marketing. Instead of directly promoting the product, the ad educates consumers, giving them the confidence that their purchase will help them reduce their hair fall problem. They even supported their claim with data and customer reviews.

7) OnePlus

Oneplus Ad

OnePlus’s recent ad campaign captivates users with the power of User-Generated Content, featuring a stunning photograph taken by one of its customers using their flagship phone.

What We Love About This Ad: Focus On User Generated Content

By showcasing a real-life example of the product’s capabilities, this ad demonstrates the impressive quality and performance of the product. This User-generated content not only adds an element of authenticity to the ad but also serves as powerful social proof.

8) Ajio

Ajio Instagram Ad

jio, the Indian fashion marketplace, has come up with an intuitive E-commerce ad that uses the carousel format to introduce users to its wide collection of clothes and accessories. In this ad, every product is showcased with the help of a vivid image, a catchy description, and a FOMO inducing CTA.

What We Love About This Ad: Effective Utilization of the Carousel Format

Within a single ad, the brand has successfully displayed the incredible variety of products it has to offer. At the same time, the carousel format ensures that the users can browse through different products quickly. This shows the brand’s commitment to offer a seamless and hassle-free experience to their customers. We also loved the use of creative copywriting and the use of Emoji in the ad copy.

E-commerce advertising plays an essential role in capturing the attention of your customers. A well-crafted ad helps you get sales, leaves an impression on your customers, and increases brand recall. We hope you found this article helpful as you plan your next ad campaign.

And in case you are looking for a partner to handle your E-commerce advertising, ANS Commerce is ready to step in. A Flipkart group company, ANS Commerce, is India’s #1 Full Stack E-commerce Enabler trusted by 200+ Brands!

From creating your online store, running profitable performance marketing campaigns, and managing marketplaces to order fulfillment & warehousing – we do it all to supercharge your brand’s growth!


1. What do you Mean by E-commerce Campaigns?

E-commerce campaigns are designed for marketing purposes to drive sales and ad traffic. They help businesses achieve potential customers, engage existing customers, and build brand loyalty.

2. What is E-commerce Advertising?

E-commerce advertising is when businesses pay to promote and sell products online. They might pay for their ads to appear on platforms like Facebook or YouTube based on how many times the ad is shown, clicked, or where it's placed.

3. What do you Understand by the Term Campaigns in Commerce?

Campaigns in commerce are a specific series of tasks or actions that are relatively connected to each other and benefit the business in achieving its goals or vision. The campaigns can be set up in such a manner that they are able to perform individually as well as in the group at the same time. 

4. How can E-commerce be Promoted?

E-commerce can be promoted in several ways and strategies. Some of them are mentioned below. 

a) SEO 

SEO helps your online store appear higher in Google search results, attracting more visitors. Start by finding the keywords your customers use and add them to your product pages and blog posts. Make your website easy to navigate to improve user experience (UX). SEO has three key parts:

On-Page SEO: Using the right keywords and making your site user-friendly.
Off-Page SEO: Getting other sites to link to yours (backlinks).
Technical SEO: Ensuring your site is fast and works well on mobile devices.
To stay ahead of the competition, you need to focus on all three aspects of SEO.

b) Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to improve your business's profits. When you collect email addresses from customers and potential customers, you can stay connected with them. Send emails to share company updates, newsletters, and special offers to encourage them to visit your online store again. Even though the average number of people who click on links in emails is 2.62%, if 2 out of every 10 people open your emails, you can boost sales and help them make purchases.

c) Social  Media Marketing 

You can use social media to create excitement about your products and services. What’s special about social media is that it lets you connect with customers in a more personal way. It’s also affordable, whether you’re posting for free or paying for ads.

When using social media for your online store, focus on platforms that give you the most value for your efforts.

d) Partnerships 

Teaming up with other companies lets you reach new customers by promoting each other's products. Find brands that share your audience but sell different things. For instance, if you sell dog products, team up with a cat product company. You can also partner with bloggers or other businesses to get your brand noticed by more people.

e) PPC Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising helps you reach customers quickly, though it can be expensive. There are different types like Google Ads and social media ads. You pay only when someone clicks your ad. Depending on your strategy and budget, PPC campaigns can get your ad in front of thousands or millions of people. Social media PPC shows your ads in users' feeds, while search engine ads show up for specific keywords.

8 Best E-commerce Advertising Campaigns To Get You Inspired (Examples + Best Practices)

Written by
Tanpreet Kaur
Published on
May 31, 2023
Written by
Tanpreet Kaur
Published on
July 2, 2024

Let’s face it – the attention span of customers is getting shorter while the list of choices they have are getting longer. Standing out in the crowd in the E-commerce space has become nothing less than an art form today. Thankfully, there is a key to this enigma. And it revolves around curating compelling and engaging e-commerce advertising campaigns that capture the imagination of your target audience and drive them toward making a purchase.

Whether you’re a seasoned E-commerce player or just starting out, seeking inspiration from successful campaigns can spark your creativity and give you the much-needed edge to propel your business forward. Keeping that in mind, we’ve curated a list of the best E-commerce advertising campaigns with insights and best practices. Read along!

What Is E-commerce Advertising?

E-commerce Advertising falls under the umbrella of E-commerce marketing. If E-commerce marketing is all about driving awareness about your online store, E-commerce Advertising is the method used to promote it. Businesses create best E-commerce ads on different channels like Facebook, Instagram, Bing and Google to drive website traffic, and ultimately increase sales. Display ads, search ads, banner ads, and rich media ads are the most common types of E-commerce Ads created.

Things You Need To Know Before Running E-commerce Ads

Before you dive headfirst into running your E-commerce Ads, there are two crucial things you need to know to maximize your chances of success. Here are they:

1. Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is the foundation of any successful E-commerce campaigns. Without a clear idea of who your customers are, their needs, preferences, and behaviours, your E-commerce Ads may fall flat and fail to generate the desired results.

  1. Start by conducting thorough market research to identify your target market’s demographics, psychographics, and purchasing habits. Learn about their age, gender, location, interests, and lifestyle preferences. Utilize tools like surveys, interviews, and online analytics platforms to gather valuable insights. Platforms like SurveyMonkey, Lantana, and Remesh.
  1. Next, create Buyer Personas that represent your ideal customers. Again, these personas should constitute demographic information, motivations, pain points, and shopping behaviours.
  1. Finally, utilize tools like Google Analytics and Facebook insights to identify trends and understand traffic sources to optimize your Ad targeting based on real-time data.

This will help you craft compelling Ads that speak directly to your customers.

2. Ensure Your Website Is Optimized

Advertising for e-commerce can help drive traffic to your E-commerce website, you must also ensure that your website is optimized to convert that traffic into sales. When your E-commerce store is not optimized, it will constantly experience high bounce rates and low conversion rates leading to wasted advertising budgets. Here are some ways to optimize your website:

  1. Ensure that your website is responsive and it automatically adapts to different devices and screen sizes.
  2. Increase your website’s speed by compressing images and leveraging caching techniques.
  3. Ensure that your website has straightforward navigation, logical categorization, and clear product descriptions.
  4. Optimize individual product pages so that they have high-quality images, compelling product descriptions, clear pricing, and prominent Call-To-Action.

E-commerce Advertising Best Practices To Follow

Running successful E-commerce ad campaigns demands a strategic approach and adherence to certain best practices that have proven to yield results. Here are some of the best practices we urge you to follow while crafting ads for your business:

1. Focus On Showing Rather Than Telling

Despite the prevalent use of text-only ads in other domains, visual content takes the upper hand for E-commerce advertising. Why? Because visual content grabs instant attention, engages viewers, and allows them to envision the benefits of the products themselves.

The whole idea is to not re-state your value proposition or the features of your products directly. Instead, use visuals that tell a story and evoke emotions. For example, you can include a video where your customers speak about the benefits of your product and how it has changed their life.

2. Optimize For Mobile

There are high chances that most of your potential customers are accessing your store via mobile devices. Even studies prove this. According to Statista, M-commerce accounts for nearly 65.7 of all E-commerce sales worldwide. Even if a customer walks into your store, they are going to use their smartphones to compare prices, read customer reviews, or even locate other stores in the vicinity.

This means your E-commerce Ads should be optimized for mobile phones. They must engage customers irrespective of their location and the devices they use.  So make sure your E-commerce Ads’ visuals, landing pages, and checkout processes are responsive and provide a seamless experience across various screen sizes.

3. Use Multiple Image Carousel Posts

It often becomes difficult to show the whole catalogue in one ad creative or convey all the product’s benefits in a single image. In such cases, you can opt for carousel ads on Facebook and Instagram. With carousel ads, you can showcase various products or highlight multiple features in each card that your viewers can scroll through.

4. Do Post-Click Optimization

Many E-commerce advertisers make the mistake of focusing their optimization efforts at the ad level. They do not pay much attention to the post-click experience, which includes the landing page users are directed to once they click the ad. This results in a personalization gap and will most likely lead to a bounce.

So always ensure that the landing page aligns with the ad creative, has a clear Call-To-Action (CTA), and provides relevant information. Also, don’t forget to optimize the page for fast load times, easy navigation, and a seamless checkout process. A smooth post-click experience can significantly impact conversion rates and overall campaign success.

5. Perform Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of continuously testing and optimizing various elements of your E-commerce Ads to improve the conversion rate. You can perform CRO through data collection, analysis, hypothesis, and A/B or multivariate testing.

Experiment with different ad copies, visuals, headlines, CTAs, and placements. Find out what resonates best with your target audience and implement them. This data-driven approach can automatically lead to higher conversion rates and increased ROI on ad spend.

6. Use UGC Content For Ads

User-generated content (UGC) typically includes customer reviews, testimonials, and social media posts referencing your brand. When you include this in your E-commerce Ads, it adds authenticity to your campaigns. The idea is to showcase the experiences of the users and share their positive feedback via ads.

7. Provide An Omnichannel Experience

Aim to provide frictionless customer experience at every touchpoint in their purchase journey. To achieve this, ensure all your brand channels are integrated and users can seamlessly transition between different channels.

For example, when customers click an Instagram ad, you can direct them to the specific product page where they can check if the item is available in the nearest physical store. You must also maintain consistent messaging and branding across all these channels to maximize the chances of conversion. You can also use WhatsApp messaging to retarget customers who have visited your website via ads and showed interest in your product.

8. Targeting & Retargeting On Social Platform

It’s possible to define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviours on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This precise targeting increases the likelihood of capturing the attention of potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your products.

Retargeting takes it a step further by allowing you to re-engage users who have already interacted with your brand. By tracking website visitors and their actions through Pixel tracking, you can retarget them with personalized ads. This strategy reminds them of their previous interest in your brand and encourages them to revisit your website and make a purchase.

Top E-commerce Ads Example

Here are some top e-commerce advertising examples of the best E-commerce Ads that successfully attracted customers with their creativity. From storytelling to engaging visuals, these ads uncover the power of strategic marketing in the E-commerce landscape.

1) Ditch The Guilt

Ditch the guilt ad

Ditch The Guilt, a healthy snack brand, has created a unique ad campaign featuring an eye-catching visual packshot of the product. Of course, good product photography plays an essential role in grabbing users’ attention as they browse online. But what sets this ad apart is the focus on the nutritional information within the image so that users can make informed decisions instantly.

What We Love About This Ad: Focus On The Product & It's Nutritional Value

By emphasizing nutritional values in the ad, the brand has showcased its transparency and commitment to promoting a healthier lifestyle among its users. The best part is that the users can quickly assess whether the product aligns with their dietary goals and make the purchase decision.

2) Mama Earth

Mamaearth Ad

Mama Earth, the eco-friendly cosmetic brand, is one of the best e-commerce advertising campaigns that has come up with an e-commerce ad campaign featuring customer testimonials coupled with an exciting discount offer.  Through this campaign, The brand was able to inspire confidence among users about its all-natural products

What We Love About This Ad: It Builds Trust Organically

Through its transparent messaging and reliable customer review, this ad builds trust among the users. It serves as social proof, validating the quality, reliability, and desirability of the product. When potential customers see positive feedback from real users, they are more likely to trust the brand and make a purchase. Such types of ads work great for beauty products, nutritional supplements, and food products.

3) Shoppers Stop

Shoppers Stop

Shoppers Stop, the renowned online marketplace for lifestyle goods, has come up with a well-thought-out advertising campaign. This ad uses the carousel format to display multiple product collections along with corresponding discounts.

What We Love About This Ad: It Uses FOMO to Capture Attention

This ad works due to 2 reasons. One, the carousel format, creates an opportunity for the brand to capture the interest of various segments of its customers and enable them to perform easy comparisons and evaluations of different offerings. Two, by adding a discount with an end date, the ad induces FOMO among the users and captures their attention immediately. This improves the chances of engagement and a potential sale.  

4) Nykaa

Nykaa Ad

In this E-commerce ad, Nykaa, the cosmetics retailer, has collaborated with Instagram influencers to endorse the brand.

What We Love About This Ad: Using an Influencer to Build Brand Credibility

This E-commerce Advertising campaign capitalizes on the influencer’s credibility, authenticity, and well-established connection with her followers to drive traffic to the brand’s website. By showcasing the influencer’s genuine affinity for the brand’s products, the ad instantly gains trust and authority in the eyes of the audience.

5) Carat Lane

Carat Lane Ad

In this ad campaign of Caratlane, the jewellery brand, the focus is on one of its core offerings “Try Before Buy”. Instead of promoting their products, the brand has highlighted its biggest competitive advantage to the users through an easy-to-understand video.

What We Love About This Ad: Focus On USP

By focusing on a unique advantage offered by the brand, the ad instills confidence among the users and encourages them to try its products The ad also emphasizes that CaratLane is a customer-focused brand that understands and addresses the needs of their customers.

6) Juicy Chemistry

Juicy chemistry ad

Juicy Chemistry, the organic skincare brand, has taken a unique approach in this ad campaign by highlighting one of their customers’ issues, “Hair Fall.” The ad copy provides in-depth information about the cause of hair fall and how their products help reverse it.

What We Love About This Ad: Focus On Pain Point

By focusing on the needs and concerns of the customers, this ad has taken an empathetic approach to marketing. Instead of directly promoting the product, the ad educates consumers, giving them the confidence that their purchase will help them reduce their hair fall problem. They even supported their claim with data and customer reviews.

7) OnePlus

Oneplus Ad

OnePlus’s recent ad campaign captivates users with the power of User-Generated Content, featuring a stunning photograph taken by one of its customers using their flagship phone.

What We Love About This Ad: Focus On User Generated Content

By showcasing a real-life example of the product’s capabilities, this ad demonstrates the impressive quality and performance of the product. This User-generated content not only adds an element of authenticity to the ad but also serves as powerful social proof.

8) Ajio

Ajio Instagram Ad

jio, the Indian fashion marketplace, has come up with an intuitive E-commerce ad that uses the carousel format to introduce users to its wide collection of clothes and accessories. In this ad, every product is showcased with the help of a vivid image, a catchy description, and a FOMO inducing CTA.

What We Love About This Ad: Effective Utilization of the Carousel Format

Within a single ad, the brand has successfully displayed the incredible variety of products it has to offer. At the same time, the carousel format ensures that the users can browse through different products quickly. This shows the brand’s commitment to offer a seamless and hassle-free experience to their customers. We also loved the use of creative copywriting and the use of Emoji in the ad copy.

E-commerce advertising plays an essential role in capturing the attention of your customers. A well-crafted ad helps you get sales, leaves an impression on your customers, and increases brand recall. We hope you found this article helpful as you plan your next ad campaign.

And in case you are looking for a partner to handle your E-commerce advertising, ANS Commerce is ready to step in. A Flipkart group company, ANS Commerce, is India’s #1 Full Stack E-commerce Enabler trusted by 200+ Brands!

From creating your online store, running profitable performance marketing campaigns, and managing marketplaces to order fulfillment & warehousing – we do it all to supercharge your brand’s growth!


1. What do you Mean by E-commerce Campaigns?

E-commerce campaigns are designed for marketing purposes to drive sales and ad traffic. They help businesses achieve potential customers, engage existing customers, and build brand loyalty.

2. What is E-commerce Advertising?

E-commerce advertising is when businesses pay to promote and sell products online. They might pay for their ads to appear on platforms like Facebook or YouTube based on how many times the ad is shown, clicked, or where it's placed.

3. What do you Understand by the Term Campaigns in Commerce?

Campaigns in commerce are a specific series of tasks or actions that are relatively connected to each other and benefit the business in achieving its goals or vision. The campaigns can be set up in such a manner that they are able to perform individually as well as in the group at the same time. 

4. How can E-commerce be Promoted?

E-commerce can be promoted in several ways and strategies. Some of them are mentioned below. 

a) SEO 

SEO helps your online store appear higher in Google search results, attracting more visitors. Start by finding the keywords your customers use and add them to your product pages and blog posts. Make your website easy to navigate to improve user experience (UX). SEO has three key parts:

On-Page SEO: Using the right keywords and making your site user-friendly.
Off-Page SEO: Getting other sites to link to yours (backlinks).
Technical SEO: Ensuring your site is fast and works well on mobile devices.
To stay ahead of the competition, you need to focus on all three aspects of SEO.

b) Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to improve your business's profits. When you collect email addresses from customers and potential customers, you can stay connected with them. Send emails to share company updates, newsletters, and special offers to encourage them to visit your online store again. Even though the average number of people who click on links in emails is 2.62%, if 2 out of every 10 people open your emails, you can boost sales and help them make purchases.

c) Social  Media Marketing 

You can use social media to create excitement about your products and services. What’s special about social media is that it lets you connect with customers in a more personal way. It’s also affordable, whether you’re posting for free or paying for ads.

When using social media for your online store, focus on platforms that give you the most value for your efforts.

d) Partnerships 

Teaming up with other companies lets you reach new customers by promoting each other's products. Find brands that share your audience but sell different things. For instance, if you sell dog products, team up with a cat product company. You can also partner with bloggers or other businesses to get your brand noticed by more people.

e) PPC Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising helps you reach customers quickly, though it can be expensive. There are different types like Google Ads and social media ads. You pay only when someone clicks your ad. Depending on your strategy and budget, PPC campaigns can get your ad in front of thousands or millions of people. Social media PPC shows your ads in users' feeds, while search engine ads show up for specific keywords.