7 Tips to Escalate Your Business by Using Email Marketing

Email Marketing is used by almost all businesses across the globe. We have known this marketing strategy even before the hype of online marketing started. But with the changing landscape, people have become busier than ever and they don’t have time to follow bulk email messages. That’s when your email marketing strategy fails your strategic marketing campaign.

Well, fret not! Do you want to convert your customers in the most direct and effective way while nurturing them with occasional updates? Email marketing is your only saviour. But before you start the campaign, let us walk you through the tips and tricks, making your email marketing a win-win!

7 Tips to Use Email Marketing in the right way

1. Select an eye-catching subject line

A subject line can either attract a customer or deter them from reading further. Not only does a subject line form the base of your message, but also acts as a parameter, deciding whether your email will gain traction or not. No matter how enticing your promotional mail was, if the subject line is not attractive, nobody will give it a read.

Quick tip: Want to make an eye-catching subject line? Following are a few examples of some impressive subject lines!

1. Tonight only: A denim lover’s dream can be fulfilled
2. Is this the hottest career in marketing?
3. Hey Rahul, this is what you have been missing!

2. Curate short-crisp content

An email is generally read when a person is either riding a cab to reach their office, or sitting in a metro, waiting for their station. Your email goes to waste the moment you start using complex tones with hard-to-understand language. Thus, the content should be short and precise, letting the recipient understand your message in a single go.

“As every word counts and explains its significance, it is crucial to use the right set of words!”

Quick tip: It’s important not to use high-mounted and fancy words in your email content as every customer has a different level of understanding. The usage of trendy slang with short copy is what catches the attention!

3. Avoid shouting loud

There is a misconception that using ‘upper-case’ & ‘exclamation marks multiple times could drive the attention of the customer. This is not at all true, as it might look like the brand is shouting out loud. There are even chances that a spam filter could flag your message, ultimately affecting the email open rate. Just stop using capitals and exclamation marks in the subject line as well as the body of the Email as it is a big turn-off for readers.

Want to know how to make a persuasive email newsletter? Read on to find the best tips!

4. Use mobile-friendly UI/UX

Today, a large number of people prefer opening mail on their smartphones as it is quite fast and easy to access. But, there is a huge difference in the presentation when mobile devices are compared to computer screens. Thus, you must optimize and personalize your users’ experience by making it easier for them to read emails on mobile devices.

Quick tip: Following are some easy tips you must follow to make your emailer mobile-friendly:

1. Put your call to action at the top so your customer don’t have to scroll
2. Do not rely on large-sized images as sometimes they don’t load on mobile phones
3. Keep the email copy neat (Don’t write long paragraphs)

5. Pay attention to the metrics

It takes a lot of effort to create interesting, beautiful, and engaging emails. But these efforts can go in vain if your customers never get to see them. You should never take the delivery process lightly. If you are assigning it to your email service provider, don’t think your work has ended there. You must give priority to analysing the open rate, bounce rate, and unsubscribe rate. After this, you can actually check your performance and learn what worked well and what didn’t, helping you make corrections.

6. Clean your Email list

Cleaning your Email list is the process of deleting obsolete domains! Sending emails to domains that don’t exist anymore will only affect your email open rates. By cleaning your email list you are not only enhancing the open and bounce rate but also minimizing the risk of being spammed.

Quick tip: To improve your email open rate, and reduce the bounce rates, try cleaning your list after every 6 months!

7. Make the most out of the A/B Testing

Getting everything right in a single try is not possible every time. Sometimes, you can check the effectiveness of your campaign by running two different campaigns together with minor changes. This is called A/B testing.
For example, to check the efficacy of your email subject line, you can run two different emailers with the same content, but different subject lines. This will help you check which subject works the best.

How can we help you?

If you want to improve the online marketing strategy of your brand, then fret not and invest in our performance marketing solutions. From checking your brand logo to creating account progress reports to optimizing the load time of the website, ANS Commerce provides you with performance marketing solutions across various channels with a special focus on sales and ROAS. Request your free DEMO now!

A well-done email marketing strategy can help you drop your customers in the sales funnel in no time. Don’t forget to keep track of the time your users read your emails the most. Also, keep the tone of your content the same for all emailers as it’s the voice of your brand. Follow our tips and promote your brand effectively.

7 Tips to Escalate Your Business by Using Email Marketing

Written by
Published on
Mar 22, 2021
Written by
Published on
July 11, 2024

Email Marketing is used by almost all businesses across the globe. We have known this marketing strategy even before the hype of online marketing started. But with the changing landscape, people have become busier than ever and they don’t have time to follow bulk email messages. That’s when your email marketing strategy fails your strategic marketing campaign.

Well, fret not! Do you want to convert your customers in the most direct and effective way while nurturing them with occasional updates? Email marketing is your only saviour. But before you start the campaign, let us walk you through the tips and tricks, making your email marketing a win-win!

7 Tips to Use Email Marketing in the right way

1. Select an eye-catching subject line

A subject line can either attract a customer or deter them from reading further. Not only does a subject line form the base of your message, but also acts as a parameter, deciding whether your email will gain traction or not. No matter how enticing your promotional mail was, if the subject line is not attractive, nobody will give it a read.

Quick tip: Want to make an eye-catching subject line? Following are a few examples of some impressive subject lines!

1. Tonight only: A denim lover’s dream can be fulfilled
2. Is this the hottest career in marketing?
3. Hey Rahul, this is what you have been missing!

2. Curate short-crisp content

An email is generally read when a person is either riding a cab to reach their office, or sitting in a metro, waiting for their station. Your email goes to waste the moment you start using complex tones with hard-to-understand language. Thus, the content should be short and precise, letting the recipient understand your message in a single go.

“As every word counts and explains its significance, it is crucial to use the right set of words!”

Quick tip: It’s important not to use high-mounted and fancy words in your email content as every customer has a different level of understanding. The usage of trendy slang with short copy is what catches the attention!

3. Avoid shouting loud

There is a misconception that using ‘upper-case’ & ‘exclamation marks multiple times could drive the attention of the customer. This is not at all true, as it might look like the brand is shouting out loud. There are even chances that a spam filter could flag your message, ultimately affecting the email open rate. Just stop using capitals and exclamation marks in the subject line as well as the body of the Email as it is a big turn-off for readers.

Want to know how to make a persuasive email newsletter? Read on to find the best tips!

4. Use mobile-friendly UI/UX

Today, a large number of people prefer opening mail on their smartphones as it is quite fast and easy to access. But, there is a huge difference in the presentation when mobile devices are compared to computer screens. Thus, you must optimize and personalize your users’ experience by making it easier for them to read emails on mobile devices.

Quick tip: Following are some easy tips you must follow to make your emailer mobile-friendly:

1. Put your call to action at the top so your customer don’t have to scroll
2. Do not rely on large-sized images as sometimes they don’t load on mobile phones
3. Keep the email copy neat (Don’t write long paragraphs)

5. Pay attention to the metrics

It takes a lot of effort to create interesting, beautiful, and engaging emails. But these efforts can go in vain if your customers never get to see them. You should never take the delivery process lightly. If you are assigning it to your email service provider, don’t think your work has ended there. You must give priority to analysing the open rate, bounce rate, and unsubscribe rate. After this, you can actually check your performance and learn what worked well and what didn’t, helping you make corrections.

6. Clean your Email list

Cleaning your Email list is the process of deleting obsolete domains! Sending emails to domains that don’t exist anymore will only affect your email open rates. By cleaning your email list you are not only enhancing the open and bounce rate but also minimizing the risk of being spammed.

Quick tip: To improve your email open rate, and reduce the bounce rates, try cleaning your list after every 6 months!

7. Make the most out of the A/B Testing

Getting everything right in a single try is not possible every time. Sometimes, you can check the effectiveness of your campaign by running two different campaigns together with minor changes. This is called A/B testing.
For example, to check the efficacy of your email subject line, you can run two different emailers with the same content, but different subject lines. This will help you check which subject works the best.

How can we help you?

If you want to improve the online marketing strategy of your brand, then fret not and invest in our performance marketing solutions. From checking your brand logo to creating account progress reports to optimizing the load time of the website, ANS Commerce provides you with performance marketing solutions across various channels with a special focus on sales and ROAS. Request your free DEMO now!

A well-done email marketing strategy can help you drop your customers in the sales funnel in no time. Don’t forget to keep track of the time your users read your emails the most. Also, keep the tone of your content the same for all emailers as it’s the voice of your brand. Follow our tips and promote your brand effectively.